Modern Glass Buildings

10th Annual Global Trade Educational Conference

Intercontinental Chicago Magnificent Mile Hotel

July 28th - 30th, 2024

Woman Giving Presentation on Business Conference Workshop.





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Sunday, July 28th


7/28 | 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Streeterville Foyer


7/28 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Avenue Ballroom (1/2 room)

Blue crystal buildings

#2: Business Development: Best Practices ​for Global Service Providers

7/28 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Avenue Ballroom (1/2 room)

Increase your prospect base, close more deals, and grow your business.

This 3-Hour Pre-Conference Workshop will provide a blueprint for service ​providers to follow to gain the best opportunity to increase sales, higher ​margins, and more sustainable client relationships.

The presenter will work in a format with participants engaged in the ​discussion, case studies and provide a methodology to move away from ​cold calling into more effective business development practices.

Learn to create opportunities for those who want to speak with your ​organization, add value and create a better value proposition for your ​business development initiatives.


Tom Cook, Blue Tiger International

Keith Schlegel, SBA

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7/28 | 12 Noon - 5:00 PM

Avenue Ballroom Foyer


7/28 | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Avenue Ballroom


7/28 | 6:00 PM- 10:00 PM

Blue crystal buildings

Monday, July 29th



7/29 | 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Streeterville Foyer


7/29 | 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

King Arthur Ballroom

Sponsored By: Roanoke


7/29 | 8:00 AM - 8:20 AM

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SESSION A: Geopolitical Impacts

to Trade Flows

7/29 | 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Avenue Ballroom

This panel will explore the forces that are reordering global supply chains ​and trade relations, with particular emphasis on the role of geopolitical ​competition, national security, industrial policy, climate change, and ​human rights. The discussion will focus on the way liberal economic ​orthodoxy has come under pressure in the US, and what that means for ​trade policy and practice at home and abroad. The panel will, additionally, ​examine the adaptive strategies companies have implemented to mitigate ​trade risk and enhance transactional certainty (nearshoring, reshoring, ​operational engineering, China + 1, etc.).The panel will conclude by ​considering the immediate and intermediate-term implications of the ​transformative dynamics that now characterize the international trade ​environment.

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SESSION B: AI Applications in Trade

7/29 | 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Camelot Ballroom

AI in Trade - is it real, or is it hype? Join us to learn more about "AI Applications in ​Trade," where we will demystify what AI is and how it's already impacting the trade ​industry. We'll discuss 1) what is AI and how is it changing jobs in the near-term, 2) ​where we're seeing real uses cases of AI in trade today, and 3) how to move forward ​with AI in your business. This session is designed to equip trade professionals, customs ​brokers, and freight forwarders with the tools and knowledge to know how to leverage ​AI effectively and drive innovation in their organizations. Don't miss this opportunity ​to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of trade!


7/29 | 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

Avenue Ballroom Foyer


Blue crystal buildings

SESSION A: Penalties and Liquidated ​Damages

7/29 | 10:20 AM - 11:50 AM

Avenue Ballroom

Importers, customs brokers, bonded warehouse proprietors, foreign trade zone operators, and ​bonded carriers are subject to CBP laws and regulations. Violations and failure to comply with these ​requirements can result in a Notice of Penalty or Liquidated Damages and a Demand for Payment. ​This session will provide you with an understanding of the different types of penalties that are ​commonly assessed, such as 19 USC §1592, 19 USC §1595a, and broker penalties, as well as the ​various types of liquidated damages, and what triggers them. This session will also cover how to ​prepare your petition to maximize your mitigation or request for cancellation of the penalty or Liq. ​Damages demand.

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SESSION B: Export Penalties and How

to Avoid Them

7/29 | 10:20 AM - 11:50 AM

Camelot Ballroom

Please join our panel for a comprehensive and wide-ranging discussion of export penalties and how ​to put your company in a position to avoid them. The panel will first walk the audience through a ​lecture on export and sanctions compliance basics including (but not limited to) the following: (1) ​export classification and commodity jurisdiction under Dept. of Commerce/EAR and Dept. of ​State/ITAR rules; (2) restricted party screening and sanctions and embargo compliance under Dept. ​of Treasury/OFAC rules; (3) the latest freight forwarder guidance issued by the Bureau of Industry ​and Security; (4) how to build an effective export compliance and sanctions compliance program; ​2024 penalties under relevant export compliance and sanctions and embargo laws and rules; and ​(5) Electronic Export Information/Automated Export System compliance attendant to exports. The ​panel will then shift to a discussion of how a breakdown in compliance with respect to the foregoing ​through real-world examples can lead to a voluntary self-disclosure (if discovered and disclosed ​before the U.S. Government becomes aware) or to penalties, denial of export privileges or even ​criminal prosecutions in circumstances where violations were committed willfully. The combination ​of a discussion of substantive basics with a real-world examples should give the audience a well-​rounded and thorough discussion of export controls and sanctions and how measures can be taken ​by your company right now to avoid penalties and other compliance mishaps.

Blue crystal buildings

SESSION A: Antidumping/Countervailing

Duties and Trade Remedies

7/29 | 11:50 AM - 1:20 PM

Avenue Ballroom

The panel will delve into recent AD/CVD trends including circumvention ​investigations, the recent investigations into aluminum extrusions from multiple ​countries and the effect of the 'AD/CVD lifecycle' on bond limits and surety ​bond liability. They will also share best practices for minimizing bonding issues ​related to AD/CVD risks. Finally, the panel will address the challenges associated ​with the forthcoming 301 duties.

Blue crystal buildings

SESSION B: Responding to a

Forced Labor Detention

7/29 | 11:50 AM - 1:20 PM

Camelot Ballroom


7/29 | 1:20 PM - 2:30 PM

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SESSION A: Cybersecurity Risks

7/29 | 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Camelot Ballroom

The consequences of a cybersecurity attack are significant. According to a ​recent IBM report, the average cost in 2023 globally of such an attack was ​$4.45 million, took on average 207 days to discover and, on average, took ​another 73 days to contain. The most common forms of hacking are business ​email compromise, ransomware, and insider threats. This session will feature ​a discussion about current trends in cybersecurity, what hackers are ​after/why you were chosen, tips to minimize your risk profile, the availability ​of open source intelligence, how to prepare for a possible hack and what to ​do when one happens. The speakers include a Supervisory Special Agent ​from the Chicago office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Cyber / ​Counterintelligence branch, and a Cybersecurity Advisor from the ​Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Bring your ​questions as there will be a Q&A session.

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SESSION B: CARM, Bonding & Other ​Canadian Issues

7/29 | 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Avenue Ballroom

What's on the trade horizon north of 49th Parallel? The rescheduled launch ​date for CARM is October 21, 2024. Hear about the current work arounds, ​understand why a challenging transition is still anticipated and what ​importers and brokers should do now. The panel will also discuss other ​significant new and emerging Canadian trade issues, including valuation, ​Canada's Forced Labor requirements, the Plastics Registry, and the new ​Quebec language law affecting products sold in the province, as we look ​forward to USMCA/CUSMA/T-MEC in 2026!

Blue crystal buildings


7/29 | 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM

Avenue Ballroom Foyer

Sponsored by: MK MARIN

SESSION A: FDA Tools and More

7/29 | 4:20 PM - 5:50 PM

Camelot Ballroom

Understanding the FDA inspectional process and the new Cosmetic ​requirements.

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SESSION B: FMC Regulations and Compliance ​Approaches – Key Information For NVOCCs ​and Freight Forwarders as well as for ​Shippers and Consignees

7/29 | 4:20 PM - 5:50 PM

Avenue Ballroom

Join our panel of experts as we discuss the key elements of OSRA, Detention and ​Demurrage, Pass Through Charges, Co-Loading of Cargo, NRAs versus Rate Filings, ​Complaints, and Back to the Basics of FMC. There will be key take aways for all to ​take back to your companies to review for possible updates. Join us to minimize your ​risk, drive an increase in compliance and best practices shared during the discussion.


Melzie Wilson, Global Zolutions,

Cameron Roberts, Roberts & Kehagiaras LLP


7/29 | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Renaissance Ballroom

Blue crystal buildings

Tuesday, July 30th



7/30 | 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Streeterville Foyer


7/30 | 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

SPONSORED BY: Mohawk Global

SESSION A: CBP Forms 28/29s, Post Summary ​Corrections & Prior Disclosures

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7/30 | 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Avenue Ballroom

CBP frequently communicates with importers through Requests for Information ​(CF28) and Notices of Action (CF29). While a CF28 request may be simply for ​clarification purposes, the inquiry could also be indicative of a larger ​noncompliance issue. CF28s and CF29s are frequently used when CBP believes ​that an importer has potentially made a material false statement such that an ​investigation may be warranted and can be a trigger event for a potential ​enforcement action. This panel will explore how to understand and respond to ​CF28s and CF29s, as well actions that may be taken to correct entry declaration ​errors and strategies to protect the importer from the adverse consequences of ​noncompliance, including post summary correction, protests, and prior ​disclosures.

SESSION B: Export Government Agency ​Requirements

7/30 | 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Camelot Ballroom

Blue crystal buildings

We don’t talk enough about the Federal Government Agency requirement on ​goods leaving the country. Although not as many Federal regulatory requirements ​on the export side of cross-border trade in the U.S. they can be equally ​challenging to keep track of. The panelists will share tools and resources available ​that will help expand your knowledge of the export reporting requirements of ​various Participating Government Agencies (PGA).


Donna Kavanaugh, A.N. Deringer

Lisa Waller, BDG International

Robert Evelyn, Supervisory CBP Officer


7/30 | 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM

Avenue Ballroom Foyer

SESSION A: Ins and Outs of Reconciliation

7/30 | 9:50 AM -11:20 AM

Avenue Ballroom

Blue crystal buildings

This panel will cover the “in’s and out’s” of Reconciliation, including its ​history since being announced in 1998 by the then-U.S. Customs Service as a ​“Prototype” program (a distinction that still remains in place more than a ​quarter of a century later!). The presentation will delve into detail regarding ​the three issues that can be addressed via Recon: tariff classification, USMCA ​(previously NAFTA), and customs valuation. Importantly, the presentation ​will use a case study addressing post-importation valuation adjustments to ​highlight the shortcomings of Reconciliation and the need to consider the ​complete range of CBP’s other administrative procedures to fully address ​importers’ needs.

SESSION B: International Trade ​Compliance: How to Grow Your Career

7/30 | 9:50 AM -11:20 AM

Camelot Ballroom

Blue crystal buildings

Join our comprehensive session on growing your career in International ​Trade Compliance, designed to help you prepare for your annual review and ​enhance your career prospects. We'll explore the critical importance of trade ​compliance, outline various career paths in the field, and identify the ​essential skills and knowledge needed for success. Discover strategies for ​advancing your career in international trade, including relevant certifications ​and training opportunities. Learn how to leverage the LinkedIn algorithm for ​professional development and networking. This session offers valuable ​insights and practical guidance to help you excel in the trade compliance ​industry. Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your career growth!

SESSION A: False Claims Act and EAPA – ​from allegation to enforcement

7/30 | 11:20 AM - 12:50 PM

Avenue Ballroom

Blue crystal buildings

The False Claims Act and the Enforce and Protect Act (EAPA) provide two ​important avenues for addressing alleged customs duty evasion. Since ​EAPA’s enactment in 2016, CBP has initiated more than 260 investigations of ​alleged evasion of antidumping and countervailing duty orders. False Claims ​Act cases involving duty evasion (many involving AD/CVD) have also risen ​significantly. While both statutes can be triggered by allegations from private ​entities, these laws differ greatly in scope, remedies and procedures. This ​panel will explore the key elements and differences in EAPA and FCA cases. ​The panel will review examples of customs issues that can arise in both ​contexts, and possible strategies for avoiding or minimizing negative ​consequences from the initiation of such actions.

SESSION B: Duty Mitigation Strategies: ​Drawback and Foreign-Trade Zones

7/30 | 11:20 AM - 12:50 PM

Camelot Ballroom

Blue crystal buildings

Drawback and Foreign-Trade Zones: Understand the power of strategically ​using duty drawback and FTZs to your advantage to minimize duty exposure. ​Our panel of experts will explain both programs, as well as discuss how to use ​the programs in concert to maximize your mitigation efforts.

LUNCH & Exhibitor Prizes

7/30 | 12:50 PM - 2:20 PM

King Arthur Ballroom

Blue crystal buildings

SESSION A: Who Has the Right to

Make Entry?

7/30 | 2:20 PM - 3:50 PM

Avenue Ballroom

Who has the right to make entry? This panel will discuss and analyze pertinent ​CBP guidance and Headquarters Rulings to dive deep on the question of who ​can act as the importer of record. The panel will also share recent enforcement ​experiences and compliance tips for the broker and importer community.

SESSION B: What Keeps A Forwarder Up At ​Night; Navigating Risk and Embracing ​Challenges

7/30 | 2:20 PM - 3:50 PM

Camelot Ballroom

Blue crystal buildings

Join us for an insightful presentation by industry experts on navigating the ​risks and embracing the challenges of the freight forwarding industry. This ​session will delve into critical topics such as validating subcontractors, ​mitigating stolen cargo and fraud, understanding Incoterms, and identifying ​liability shifts. We will explore domestic and international challenges, ​including the impact of current events on freight forwarding operations. ​Equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies to thrive in an industry that ​often keeps us up at night.


7/30 | 3:50 PM - 4:10 PM

Avenue Ballroom Foyer

Blue crystal buildings

SESSION A: LacEy Act | Another Phase

7/30 | 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM

Camelot Ballroom

Representatives from the International Wood Products Association and the ​USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service will cover the basics of the ​Lacey Act, one of the oldest conservation laws in the United States. Learn ​more about the act and about Phase VII implementation of the import ​declaration requirement by attending this presentation!

SESSION B: AES Compliance for USPPIs and ​Filers

7/30 | 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM

Avenue Ballroom

Blue crystal buildings

Join us for an engaging conversation regarding Automated Export System ​(AES) compliance for U.S. Principal Parties in Interest (USPPIs) and ​forwarder-authorized agent filers. Our session will focus on addressing the ​common challenges encountered by USPPIs and forwarder-filers, as well as ​examining recent and upcoming changes that will impact the Electronic ​Export Information (EEI) filed in AES.